Contest Prep

Contest Prep Coaching

Each Competition Prep Coaching Program Offers

  • Support with 24 business hour response
  • All personalized nutrition plans and adjustments based on individual needs, goals and starting point
  • Flexible Dieting, eat the food you like, no strict diet plan needed
  • Metabolic Damage Rescue and Pre-Competition Prep Diet (based on individual need) **please note this will extend a clients program
  • Cardio Recommendations
  • Weight Training plans with recommendations for individuals needs and imbalances
  • Supplement Recommendations
  • Progress Pictures
  • As many Check In emails as needed in order to reach contest physique readiness
  • All Peak Week/Show Week Diet and Stage Prep Recommendations
  • Basic Reverse Dieting and Off Season Recommendations (customized nutrition/fitness programs can be purchased at the regular rate if continuing past the chosen contest prep program length)

The Competition Prep Programs do not include posing practice or one-on-one training, either of these services can be scheduled based on individual need. These programs also do not include assistance with any in person Contest Day stage prep. If Contest Day Assistance is needed prices and travel costs can be discussed in advance. As a Competition Prep Coach I set ALL of my clients to be successful on their own and every single one of my clients has been able to follow through the Peak Week and Contest Day Program with ease and confidence. My job as a coach is to make this the easiest and smoothest process for my clients and for all of my clients to be able to relax and enjoy the experience.

Prices and Programs for Online Competition Prep Coaching

  • Off Season Programs (please see my Nutrition page)
  • 16 week Contest Prep- Price $1550 (This program is only for those who are within 5-7lb of expected stage weight and have 3+ years of training and nutrition programming)
  • 20 week Contest Prep- Price $1650
  • 26 week Contest Prep- Price $1750
  • 32 week Contest Prep- Price $1850
  • 38 week Contest Prep- Price $1950
  • One on One Bikini/Figure/Ms.Athletic or Physique/Mens Physique/Bodybuilding Posing Practice- Price $60/per 60 minutes

Kristin Berard has helped 100’s of people get A Better Body as Prescribed(previously known as ABBRx) through In Person and Online Nutrition Coaching, Personal Training, Online Fitness Programming for Fat Loss, Muscle Building, Metabolic Recovery and Pre/Post Natal, as well as competition prep and posing. She is also a retired Natural Pro Figure and Physique Competitor, placing Second in World’s in 2012 and 2016.

If you are interested in competing, please contact Kristin for more details. “I have had a great team of Men and Women who want to be healthy, be fit, are 100% natural, free of banned substances and train to take the stage and compete in many other sports that keep you healthy and active year round. As a coach I believe in supporting each other on and off the stage, everyone is a family, we train naturally and believe in managing our passions to enjoy life.”

Individual Posing Practice

Individual Posing Practice is to be held at Midland Sports Rehab Building in Midland, Michigan. Please contact Kristin to set up a time to work on Posing for any of the following classes: Men’s Bodybuilding, Men’s Physique/Athletic, Women’s Bodybuilding, Women’s Athletic, Women’s Figure, and Women’s Bikini. All Sessions are to be held for 60min. Each 60 minute session is $60 and will be charged at the time of setting up an appointment. Posing sessions may also be held on Skype if out in person location is too far for travel.  Kristin will also help you determine which classes you best fit in, assist in music selection(if necessary) and individual posing routine/T-Walk.